Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Cristiano Ronaldo’s complete Workout Routine and Diet Plan

Cristiano Ronaldo’s nutrition plan

Ronaldo has been reported to follow the “small and frequent” method of eating – small meals spread out regularly throughout the day – to replenish supplies every three to four hours, which helps him grow muscles and keep his metabolism going to keep. For example, he typically divides his daily food intake into six smaller meals, which he eats 2-4 hours apart. Not only does this maintain a constant and optimal metabolism, but it also prevents the body from feeling weak and hungry throughout the day. It is crucial that this method also keeps his body fat levels extremely low.

“Eat regularly,” says Ronaldo. “When you exercise regularly, it is important to keep your energy levels high in order to keep your body fit to perform better. I sometimes eat up to six smaller meals a day to make sure I have enough energy to do each workout at the highest level. “

Whole grains, fresh fruit, lean proteins (think sea bass, swordfish, cod and other fish), along with lots of salad, are all part of Cristiano’s careful eating plan. There are also protein shakes and joint supplements, which also support muscle regeneration after intensive training or a football game.

As for no-gos, Ronaldo’s previous teammates have noted that he avoids carbonated drinks and red meats or frozen foods. Again, a simple approach to crushing hidden calories. “Drinking water is so important,” said Ronaldo.

And what about his favorite dish? It’s called Bacalhau à Brás and it layers salted cod, onions, thinly sliced ​​fried potatoes, black olives, and parsley on top of a pile of scrambled eggs.


  • Cheese, ham, low-fat yogurt, fruit and avocado on toast
  • Juice and coffee: Ronaldo is Portuguese and comes from Madeira in particular and, according to Le10Sport, has a preference for fruits and juices. Ronaldo’s preferences are pear, apple or pineapple juice, but he is also very fond of coffee.


  • Sardines: Ronaldo loves fish so much that he even uses it in dishes he has prepared himself, such as taking sardines straight from the can and pouring them onto fresh bread.

Having lunch

  • Sports Drink: “I stay hydrated with a sports drink that gives me energy for training and games. It has a carbohydrate mix that increases stamina and contains less sugar than many other sports drinks. It also contains electrolytes, which help with hydration, and vitamin B12, which combats fatigue. “
  • tuna
  • Hard boiled eggs


  • Seafood: Ronaldo loves fish and is best at sea bream, swordfish, and sea bass.
  • Steak and salad: It’s not just about fish for Ronaldo, he also enjoys a steak. In fact, when he eats out in restaurants, he often orders steak and salad.


  • Chocolate: No matter how unearthly his soccer skills are, Ronaldo is still human and enjoys chocolate.
  • Birthday Cake: It was spotted on social media digging for a birthday cake on rare occasions.

Cristiano Ronaldo’s training plan

The athlete begins a warm up to reduce the risk of injury. “During training, we do a few laps on the court, stretching and cardio warm-ups,” explains Ronaldo.

“Make sure you do something similar in your workouts, including jogging to the gym or warming up on the treadmill or bike.”

At the gym, Ronaldo’s main workout is cardiovascular workouts – like running and rowing – and weights. “Mix it up,” advises Ronaldo – in addition to maintaining entertainment, it’s important that all areas of the body are targeted and the exercises improve both strength and endurance.

On the course, the focus is on high-intensity drills that reflect game situations. “We do a lot of sprints in training and they can be incorporated into your training whether you are in the gym or outdoors,” says Ronaldo. “Try adding it to every workout you do.”

However, training is not limited to the time Ronaldo has spent in training facilities. “Find wherever you can on the move,” he adds.

“You can do an abs workout in your bedroom in the morning after you wake up or before you go to bed. When you get into a routine it becomes easier as it becomes a habit. “

Pre-season workouts

“In pre-season, when we all return from free time, our work is usually intense. We may have more than one training session in a single day, as well as strength and conditioning training,” explains the five-time Ballon d “Or winners.


“Mix it up,” says Cristiano Ronaldo. In the gym, Ronaldo alternates between heavy cardio and extensive strength training activities.

Ronaldo’s daily training schedule is as follows:

  • Exercise daily for 3-4 hours to ensure low fat content (less than 10 percent)
  • Cardio exercises with several running units, each lasting 25-30 minutes.
  • Short-term exercises such as high-intensity sprint exercises.
  • Technical exercises to improve ball control

An example week:

  • Monday: Cardio circuit with squats, jumps and lunges
  • Closed on Tuesdays
  • Wednesday: Weights and cardio with body weight movements like pushups and pull ups
  • Thursday: Power Cleans and Sprints
  • Friday: Leg day with a focus on stability and abs
  • Saturday: rest
  • Sunday: Cardio with sprints and jumping

Cristiano Ronaldo trial training

This workout combines strength training (consisting of 5 supersets and a total of 10 different exercises) with a cardio-heavy HIIT unit.

Superset 1: Bench press (3 sets of 12) and squats (3 sets of 12).

Superset 2: Incline bench press (3 sets of 12) and barbell walking lunges (3 sets of 12),

Superset 3: Chest flies with dumbbells (3 sets of 12) and cable pushdowns (3 sets of 12)

Superset 4: Leg extension (3 sets of 12 pieces) and hamstring curls (3 sets of 12 pieces).

Superset 5: Cable Crunches (3 sets of 12 pieces) and knee lifts (3 sets of 15 pieces)


According to the Daily Mail, Ronaldo regularly goes to the swimming pool and does hydrotherapy. Cristiano reportedly swims at home, after games, or with his son Cristiano Jnr before working on hot-cold contrast hydrotherapy.

The theory behind contrast water therapy is that the hot baths encourage blood flow through the body, called vasodilation, and to the limbs, while the cold water then narrows the blood vessels and sends the blood back to the core. Athletes promote muscle regeneration through blood circulation with the contrast method.

Given Ronaldo’s skill and fitness on land, it’s surprising that his engine is built in the water. However, the benefits of swimming and hydrotherapy are transferable to all sports and explain Ronaldo’s excellent injury-free health. The low-impact, full-body cardiovascular exercise builds lean muscles, increases aerobic capacity, and can be done anytime if you’re lucky enough to have easy access to a pool.

Cristiano Ronaldo Rehearsal Hydrotherapy Workout

400 meters warm up, mix strokes

10 x 50 meters with a 30 second break between every effort at 75% effort

4 x breathing exercises, breathe every 3 breaths, then 5, then 7, then 9. Repeat this pattern for the 4 rounds

5 sentences:

1 x lap sprint

3 x recovery of the laps immediately after the sprint

Cool down with 100m, alternating laps with backstroke and freestyle

Post-game rituals

Much has been written about Ronaldo’s incredible post-game rituals. The 36-year-old has a strong focus on his physical and mental wellbeing, with a particular focus on recreation – something he believes is key to maintaining excellence and extending his prime.

“It is persistence and hard work using all the ingredients I have at my disposal, such as Theragun, for example, that keep my body in top shape,” he explains to us via email. “It’s important to work hard and have a good rest at the same time. Not just the day after a game, but in the weeks, months and years after that.”

“Longevity is the most important thing and as you can see, my longevity is great. I’m 36 years old and I can still compete with the best players and still keep the form I was in when I was 20. It’s not easy but consistency leads to perfection. “

Perfection is spot on – the five-time Ballon d’Or has scored 22 goals in 27 games, is said to have 7% body fat, an astonishing 50% muscle mass and ultimately a physique that is literally 20-year old.


Ronaldo has also been reported to incorporate up to five small 90-minute breaks into his daily routine to help him stay energetic and rested.

“In football there are fundamental points – from good training to the right food to the right drinking and so on – but relaxation is the most important thing for me and from my point of view,” says Ronaldo.

source https://dailyhealthynews.ca/cristiano-ronaldos-complete-workout-routine-and-diet-plan/

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