Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Sorry kids, no crisps or chocolate, but sex is fine

(Photo: Unsplash)

In an anti-obesity campaign, we are told that the government is now planning to ban television advertising of junk food high in sugar, salt and fat before 9 p.m. Ads for chocolate, burgers, soft drinks, cakes, candy, ice cream, cookies, sweetened juices, chips, fries and pizza must all be removed, along with anything else that is generally considered “delicious” by the youth of the nation.

Heaven defend, no more chicken nuggets or breaded fish! How on earth are they going to get along on Corrie?

The reason for the proposed ban is simple. As a nation we have grown fat. In fact, according to the NHS, 60% of the population is now overweight or obese – and this, they tell us, needs to stop as the nation faces a veritable epidemic of diabetes, coronary heart disease, cancer and kidney failure etc etc, all could be avoided.

And children in particular need to be protected, as they are completely unable to regulate consumption and choose healthy alternatives. Hence the crackdown on this advertisement because the government wants to create a safe environment.

Health groups are reportedly euphoric, and Caroline Cerny of the Obesity Health Alliance commented, “This extremely welcome news shows that the government is serious about putting our nation’s health first.”

Which is perhaps very commendable on one level. After all, we all want the nation’s youth to be safe and healthy from harmful temptations, don’t we? But why, in this climate of obsessive and often excessive concern for protection, aren’t there similar fears for other, potentially more damaging areas of damage?

CONTINUE READING: Teaching girls to be boys has to stop

Unfortunately, the current approach seems contradictory because, on the one hand, the government wants to protect children from temptation. On the other hand, she insists on bombarding them from the age of 3 with vivid and sexually explicit teachings that not only acclimate them to promiscuity but encourage them to try behaviors that would rightly be classified as pornographic in any other setting.

Even before puberty today, children are taught that sex is their right and that it is “great” – as soon as they feel ready and the partner agrees. And they are taught that any type of sex is good, be it vaginal, oral, anal, or anything else their imagination can imagine, and that they must be tolerant and accept the tendencies even if something doesn’t work for them others without judgment because that is what it means to be “inclusive”.

But the result of this libertarian paeon of sexual emancipation is not the joyful and unreserved celebration of life assured us by Kinsey and others if society were freed from the patriarchal judgment of Christianity, but a generation of emotionally mutilated and sick people. ridden would-be sybarites who discover the cost of indulgence too late without responsibility.

The reality is that our children are paying the price for sexual gluttony with epidemic rates of sexually transmitted infections and unprecedented rates of mental illness. In truth, we don’t just neglect children, we damage them through our attempted justifications and encouragement of adult lifestyle choices that expose them to tremendous emotional, mental, and physical damage and that they can hardly, if at all, judge for themselves.

So why is there no such outcry in these areas for their protection as there is for their consumption of harmful foods?

When it is recognized that children cannot self-assess the harmful effects of junk food and cannot trust restraint so that they must be protected from temptation, how much more is this true of sex, with its potential for debilitating and life-changing physical and mental harm?

Normally, a 5-year-old child has no thoughts of sexual reproduction or self-stimulation, nor does he have the emotional and intellectual maturity to handle this type of (over) information. Hence, a curious child will inevitably be told that sexual enjoyment is “normal” and how to do it, and will want to apply and test the information for themselves. After all, that’s what education is all about.

Whether it’s a triple mac with extra cheese, the latest candy bar … or anal sex for contraception (what children learn!), Whatever causes it and exposes you to harm.

Enough of this ideological hypocrisy. Teaching sexual behavior does not belong in a specific category just because it affirms adult promiscuity and irresponsibility. As hard as it sounds, encouraging such behaviors is nothing more than sexual abuse and personal hygiene.

Yes, ban junk food TV spots before 9 p.m. – anything that protects children’s health must be good! But if the government is really serious, it must also ban teaching that prematurely sexualizes children and expose them to clear and well-documented medical harm.

Rev Lynda Rose is the founder of Voice for Justice UK, a group committed to upholding the moral values ​​of the Bible in society.


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