Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Sydney woman shares how to save $1300 on private health insurance a year

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The household bills are high enough without paying for things you don’t use.

But thousands of Australians could do just that by making a sentence and forgetting about their expenses.

After doing just that with her private health insurance for 45 years, Kathleen Mavromatis, 71, decided to review her policy, saving herself $ 1,300 a year in the process.

“I had often thought about changing health insurance, but I never got around to it,” she says.

“Then, due to lockdowns, I had more time to seriously think about the change. It became clear to me that my husband and I no longer needed some of our health insurance’s services and that some services were not covered at all, but we still paid the same monthly amount.

“We also noticed that no matter what service we used, we still weren’t in the bag. We discussed and listed which services we actually need. We searched online with our list. “

The retired office manager, who lives in the southern suburbs of Sydney with her husband Paul, 74, and their son and family, said she was willing to research all health plans and policies to find a better deal, but it took everything was a 10 minute phone call.


“I got a call from Sarah at iSelect, she was very helpful and asked a few questions such as whether we needed weight loss and questions about our general health.

“She came back within minutes and suggested a policy that seemed best for us, along with a significant saving each month. We previously had silver plus health insurance and full extra insurance. Now we still have silver plus health insurance and only the extras that we need, ”explains Ms. Mavromatis.

Ms. Mavromatis, who now saves $ 110 a month, says she and her husband will keep the savings and use them to pay for any expenses they might have year round.


“I had asked my previous health insurance company many times if they would consider splitting the extras so we could only pick the ones we needed, and they kept rejecting the idea,” she says.

“We have health insurance, first a hospital, to withhold the 32 percent tax refund and extras coverage as security, peace of mind and a safety net when treatment is really needed.”

Jessie Petterd, spokeswoman for the comparison portal iSelect, says that too often customers pay more for their private health insurance than necessary because they haven’t checked their policy in years.

“As ‘set-and-forever’ you mean that you may not be covered for what you actually need and pay for things that you don’t use,” she says.

“Now is the time to do your own financial health check to make sure you have a good start into the new fiscal year by reviewing all bills and expenses, including health insurance.

“Many health insurance companies are currently offering great bargains and introductory offers such as waiving waiting times or several months for free, so a really good time to shop.”


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