Thursday, July 1, 2021

Canada and Ontario Providing Additional $1.35 Million in New COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Funding for Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands & Rideau Lakes Communities

Sidewalks in Westport are being redesigned

The health and well-being of Canadians is a top priority for the governments of Canada and Ontario. Communities across Ontario are at the forefront of the COVID-19 pandemic and need immediate help to ensure their community and municipal infrastructure is safe and reliable.

Because of this, both levels of government have taken decisive action to support families, businesses and communities and continue to look forward to see what more can be done in these unprecedented times. This includes a combined $ 22.2 million reinvestment to support community infrastructure to protect the health of residents, create jobs and promote economic recovery.

Michael Barrett, MP for Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes, and MPP Steve Clark, Minister for Local Affairs and Housing, have jointly announced $ 1.35 million joint funding of thirteen projects in our region Improvement of the communal infrastructure.

These thirteen area investments are being made through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program’s COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream. a cost-shared, application-based infrastructure funding option.

“Thanks to the hardworking people of our community and the collaboration of all levels of government, we are able to provide public services and create spaces and opportunities for residents to enjoy our community’s parks, trails, activities and programs,” said Michael Barrett.

“These projects are a great example of how all three levels of government can work together for the benefit of our communities,” said Steve Clark. “Every project is important to the community and can be flexibly adapted to different needs – supporting the story in Brockville with the clock tower, beautiful riverside projects in Prescott and Cardinal, a fire truck in Athens and recreational improvements in other places.”

The announced funding will support modernizations to improve and protect key urban buildings such as city centers and emergency and health facilities. Additional investments will rehabilitate recreational and community infrastructure across Eastern Ontario and include improvements to local pathways and pedestrian walkways. These investments will give thousands of residents access to modern leisure infrastructure where they can safely lead active and healthy lifestyles.

The City of Brockville will receive $ 105,632 to repair windows and renovate pillars and other structural elements of the clock tower in City Hall. “The City Hall clock tower is an iconic part of the Brockville skyline and a key element of our Cameron Wales community infrastructure.

local community

Project name

Total eligible costs

Detailed project description

Augusta parish

Augusta Public Works Building renovation

$ 100,000

The project will renovate a public building that will involve moving and adding walls and laying insulation and sub-floors to improve energy efficiency, modernize the building and make better use of space.

Edwardsburgh Cardinal Parish

Cardinal Waterfront Multipurpose Path

$ 100,000

The project will build a versatile, accessible path along the waterfront and install park benches, planters and shaded areas.

Northern Grenville parish

Renovation and construction of the reception area

$ 100,000

The project will upgrade the community center in Kemptville by rearranging open spaces and installing security barriers, new IT and telecommunications cabling, lighting and security doors.

Front of Yonge parish

Addition to the city administration office

$ 100,000

The project will add an annex to the community administration building in Mallorytown. The work includes excavating part of the existing parking lot and backyard, building the foundation, walls and roof, and installing windows and doors.

Westport village

Rehabilitation of village sidewalks

$ 100,000

The project will rehabilitate sidewalks across Westport.

City of Brockville

Revitalization of the town hall tower

$ 105,632

The project will repair windows and renovate pillars and other structural elements of the clock tower of Brockville Town Hall.

Leeds Township and the Thousand Islands

Improving outdoor recreation in Centennial Park

$ 100,000

The project will replace the play structure and build new accessible pathways in Centennial Park in Seeley’s Bay.

United counties of Leeds and Grenville

Install 2 Generac generators for backup power

$ 150,525

The project will provide backup generators for two district-owned facilities at 32 Wall Street in Brockville and 375 William Street in Gananoque.

City of Prescott

Active traffic rehabilitation and improvements

$ 100,516

This project will repair and rehabilitate 1.5 kilometers of waterfront in Prescott. Other work includes adding solar lighting along the trails as needed, building shade structures in Centennial Park and Riverwalk Park, and adding four bicycle parking spaces and two bicycle repair stations

Athens Municipality

Emergency response upgrade

$ 100,000

The project will buy a new fire truck in Athens.

Nature Conservation Authority of the Cataraqui Region

Cataraqui Trail Improvements (Rideau Lakes)

$ 100,000

The project will improve the Cataraqui Trail in Rideau Lakes. The work includes the renewal of part of the multi-purpose path, the installation of gates to demarcate road crossings and prevent vehicle access, as well as the installation of signs along the path.

(Rideau Lakes)

Elizabethtown-Kitley Parish

Repairs and upgrades for township facilities

$ 97,000

The project will upgrade urban buildings across Elizabethtown-Kitley. The work includes adding ceiling insulation and upgrading and replacing HVAC systems, windows and exterior doors in the administration building, fire station, landfill office, satellite office and library, and the Spring Valley Library.

Merrickville-Wolford village

Community center upgrades

$ 100,000

The project will upgrade the community center in Merrickville. The work includes upgrading the HVAC system with an ERV system air exchanger, installing a new indoor generator, and upgrading the electrical system.

LGTIRL total

13 projects

$ 1,353,673


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