Thursday, July 1, 2021

Do’s And Don’ts For Doctors To Build A Healthy Lifestyle During The Pandemic

National Doctors Day 2021: Doctors Day is celebrated in India on July 1st. On this day, doctors around the world are honored for their 24/7 service.

National Doctors Day 2021: Doctors should meditate and get enough rest to relieve stress


  1. National Doctors’ Day is celebrated on July 1st each year
  2. Doctors experience increased stress during the pandemic
  3. A healthy lifestyle can help reduce stress and provide adequate rest

The last known pandemic to hit the world was the deadly 1918 flu pandemic, which killed approximately 500 million people, or a third of the world’s population. A century later, we are faced with a similar situation, but the circumstances then are very different from now.

Advances in science and healthcare have allowed us to assess the threat more quickly and also find alternatives to protect ourselves. “Social distancing”, the only phenomenon that dominated our lives, was also what could protect us. However, this did not apply to healthcare professionals. They were required to treat the infected patients, and unfortunately this cannot be done remotely.

The second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, more deadly compared to the first, forced us to reassess our healthcare system and reflect on whether we were adequately protecting our valued warriors. It is not enough just to provide the protective equipment, but understand how it actually works. The PSA kits alone are exhausting and reduce the efficiency of a nurse or doctor by 50%. The constant fear of contagion also adds to the problem and leads to inefficiency.

With so many health care workers infected, hospitals are short on staff and those on duty have to treat the increasing number of patients on their own. It is mentally and physically demanding to see your coworkers, family, or friends infected, and worse, when you can’t save them or do something to comfort them.

A Few Techniques and Simple Practices That Can Help Healthcare Professionals-


  • Take reasonable precautions and follow appropriate Covid-19 conduct
  • Vaccinate the healthcare professional
  • Follow a disciplined routine that includes daily exercise and meditation
  • Eat a balanced and nutritious diet
  • Take regular breaks and allow downtime; Relax, even if there are only a few minutes between shifts
  • Talk to colleagues and share the fears and problems – this gives you the assurance that you are not alone and that it is a collective struggle
  • Spend time with family, if this is not possible, speak to them regularly over phone calls
  • Rest and read, watch something that motivates motivate
  • Do any activity that will help relieve stress and take the mind off the chaotic work day

Also read: National Doctors Day 2021: Doctors Need to Stay Mentally Fit During the Pandemic


Doctors Day 2021: Start the day with exercise or meditation to reduce stress
Photo credit: iStock


  • Do not isolate yourself mentally, sulk, or allow fear to build up inside you
  • Do not keep in direct contact with family and friends when you work in a Covid ward
  • Avoid consuming information and unchecked messages on social media that can also affect mental wellbeing

Also read: National Doctors’ Day 2021: Honoring doctors for their courageous fight against the Covid-19 pandemic

The looming fear of the looming third wave is near and the Health Brotherhood is now preparing to strike back. It will be crucial that you stay motivated and not panic in difficult circumstances. Even if the fight against the pandemic is still in full swing, it is important that we remain confident and motivated that this will also pass and that we can emerge stronger together.

(Dr. Rajan Chaudhry Consultant, Medical Service, Tata Steel)

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