Friday, July 2, 2021

‘Our Menu Is Very Darwinian.’ Leading McDonald’s in 2021.

On all issues that are going on today from a social point of view – inequality issues, educational issues, opioids, etc. – we are asked to comment on all of them. One of the things I had to think about is where do we speak up on a subject and where do we not? We looked at it this way: is it either directly in our industry – which is obvious that we would comment – or is it specifically about the pillars that we said would be important to us? So we talked about jobs and opportunities. We talked about helping communities in crisis. We talked about planets. And we talked about helping local farmers and ranchers. These are the areas that we have said are specific to our business that we feel we have a role in. If it goes beyond that, then there has to be a really good reason for us to say something that can also be part of the solution. And as far as voting rights are concerned, it was none of our business. It was not tailored to one of our leadership platforms. And we didn’t feel that our voice would be particularly helpful in addressing the issues.

When a lot of people think of McDonald’s, the picture is unhealthy fast food. To be clear, why doesn’t McDonald’s serve healthier food?

Our menu is very Darwinian. We will put on the menu what our customers want to buy. We have healthier choices on the menu. And we have more indulgent choices on the menu. Ultimately, we leave it up to the customer to make these decisions.

I firmly believe that we have to be 100 percent transparent when it comes to nutritional information. And we try to do things like doing things, especially marketing for kids, to encourage healthier choices. We try to come to better decisions for you from a small behavioral economic point of view. But in the end we leave it to the customer.

One area we are investing in is vegetable. Herbal product is now naturally a more expensive product than traditional protein – chicken, beef, etc. We have focused on making sure we offer all of these things at the same price. We don’t see anyone opt for a hamburger or a plant-based burger based on the price.

I have a lot of friends who say, “Well, you’re just not moving fast enough. Just change the menu tomorrow and let people make that choice. That’s how you get there. “Well, the reality is, this isn’t going to force people to make the right decisions. It will only make them go in a different direction. They just don’t get into your restaurant. They will Go elsewhere. These things also need to be done at the pace a customer is ready to be nudged. Just make these decisions radically and say, “Well, these are your options now. Take it or leave it”, we are unconditioned as consumers, we now live in a world of infinite possibilities.

What types of jobs do you think will be phased out and replaced by automation? Will it go beyond taking orders and get to the back of the house as well?


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