Wednesday, June 30, 2021

California’s Budget Will Give Illegal Aliens Free Healthcare 

California taxpayers will soon be paying health bills for elderly illegal immigrants under a recently approved state budget.

The budget agreement guarantees the protection of immigrants with low incomes, undocumented, who are older than 50 years. The plan was launched by Democrats who have stated that everyone wants health insurance.

The cover, which is due to come into effect in 2022, costs taxpayers $ 1.3 billion a year.

California state senator Jim Nielsen said he believed health care for people living illegally in the country was one of the most egregious parts of the law that Newsom should sign by July 1, the start of the new fiscal year.

“Get people who are now illegally in California [health] Benefits equal to a California citizen. All they had to do is just be here, and it doesn’t matter if they were legal or not, ”Nielsen told The Epoch Times.

“I would argue that this is at the expense of the Californians, who are legally here and have been here all their lives. It also inflates the budget considerably and becomes part of the base budget, i.e. the current budget for the future. Every year we have to add the number of people we serve to the basic editions. “

The funding comes on top of the millions California already spends each year to ensure residents have insurance coverage. Even so, according to the University of California-Berkeley Labor Center, nearly 3.2 million Californians will remain uninsured next year, representing 9.5 percent of the state.

Almost 1.3 million illegal immigrants under the age of 65 are among the uninsured population.

When asked about the implementation, a spokesman for Governor Gavin Newsom’s office told the Epoch Times that the governor believes that all California residents deserve to be healthy.

“Governor Newsom has made it clear that he has supported health care for all regardless of immigration status and has driven this goal since he took office while maintaining fiscal responsibility for years to come,” the spokesman said.

“Building on the extension of the state’s medical coverage to all Californians under the age of 26 and the additional California premium support for the middle income, the governor proposed in May the longstanding structural barriers to health care for the elderly with low To address undocumented incomes as the state advances toward universal coverage. “

In addition to helping undocumented people, the household will also eliminate the wealth test when applying for Medicaid.

This test originally required that 65-year-old residents have low incomes in order to receive free health care. Another requirement was that Medicaid recipients could not have assets in excess of $ 2,000 for a single person or $ 3,000 for a couple. These assets can include items such as cash or jewelry.

The removal of the wealth test will allow 17,802 people to participate in the Medicaid program and costs $ 220 million a year, according to the Department of Health.


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