Thursday, July 1, 2021

Want to start your finance journey? Here’s how investing in a credit card can take you miles ahead

The twenties are an exciting time. The first steps to an exciting career. The growing need for financial independence. The longing to experiment with different financial instruments; They call it. While you may be taking the first steps to build a safe life for yourself, you will also reach certain milestones where credit is an important part at any point in life. Be it when buying a car or buying a house, by establishing good financial habits early on to achieve these goals smoothly.

Credit cards are fascinating financial instruments that provide you with adequate security. Freeing up liquidity when using credit cards can also help you save. The icing on the cake is that they come with enticing credit card rewards, so you need to spend wisely. Carefully budgeting your expenses can take you far on your financial journey.


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Sign in to see the result. While creating a budget plan, it is important to pay your credit card bills on time. One must avoid credit card fees for late payments. Paying bills on time ensures a healthy credit score, which is essential for any time you need approval – bank loans, higher credit limits, cheaper interest rates, etc. Good credit reflects responsible credit behavior. Lending institutions prefer people with good credit ratings.

With a credit card, you can always opt for an EMI for a particular purchase. And installment payments for a short period of time can be made without interest for certain product categories. So this works well for purchases made over a period of time with no loss of interest.

Credit cards, if used wisely, can do you good. For example, they offer you emergency financing. If it’s an unexpected expense and you can’t pinch your savings for it, you can count on a credit card to help you get out of the soup.

What attracts people in addition to these financial instruments are the lucrative rewards. When you buy a card that suits your lifestyle, the deals and points also help keep your expenses down to a minimum. And when you pay your credit card bills with the CRED app, you benefit from numerous advantages.

If paying monthly rent is a hassle, switch to CRED RentPay to enable credit card rent payment. With a credit score of 750+, you can experience CRED and all the perks are lined up for you. What’s in store for you 45 days of credit-free time, bonus points and lots of fun.

And if you want to be a connoisseur of a remarkably beautiful life, get access to the CRED shop! It’s a selection of sophisticated products and experiences at special prices, exclusive to members only. This is your ticket to win unique rewards or curated products and experiences. You can also earn CRED coins when you pay your credit card bills with CRED.

Credit cards can help you lead a financially stress-free life if you use them responsibly. Lower interest rates, lucrative reward points, etc. are just a few of the benefits these tools bring to your life. Significantly, however, credit cards teach a lesson in how to balance spending and saving. Absorbing this learning will ensure that you stay stable as you dig deep into your journey of financial management.

Disclaimer: This article was produced on behalf of CRED by the Spotlight team at Times Internet.


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